
Where we are

Pilates and Parkinson’s

Written by Elisa Withers. Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor. What is Parkinson’s? Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological disorder.  This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time. The condition is caused by a lack of the chemical in the brain called dopamine. And this is because … Continued

My Wonderful Return to Skiing

Written by Georgie Cossey, Happy APPI Wimbledon client. After breaking my leg and injuring my ACL while skiing in January 2024, I was referred to APPI Wimbledon in March. Since then, I have attended physiotherapy sessions almost every week and have seen consistent improvements in my strength, pain levels, and … Continued

New Year, new exercise intentions

Written by Mark Robbins, APPI Physiotherapist. As we begin a new year, many of us have aspirations to trial a new sport, pick up a new exercise regime or have set goals in mind which we would like to achieve. Personally, I have aspirations to complete a half marathon this … Continued

Navigating menopause with strength and balance

Written by Kelly Benriassa. Clinical lead physiotherapist and APPI Pilates instructor. Menopause is a transformative phase in a woman’s life, bringing with it a range of physical and emotional changes. As hormone levels fluctuate, many women experience symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, muscle and joint pain, weight … Continued

How my breast cancer diagnosis changed me for the better

Written by Eliane Munier-Dautigny, APPI Pilates Instructor. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here, at APPI, we feel passionately about this cause as cancer is something that for most people has either affected the lives someone they care about or has affected their life personally. For me, it’s both. I … Continued

Yoga comes to APPI Hampstead

Written by Elizabeth Wolf, Yoga teacher@elizgwolf I am so excited to offer yoga classes this coming autumn at the APPI clinic in Hampstead.  I will be teaching both Vinyasa Flow and Hatha yoga classes to ease our way into the weekend.  In addition, I will also offer 1:1 yoga sessions by … Continued

Is Pilates Your Ticket to the Next Olympics?

Written by Ella Macdonald. Physiotherapist and APPI Pilates instructor. The world has been blessed with an incredible showcase of skill from all around the world over the past two weeks. The talent, determination, and precision of the Olympians I’ve witnessed over the past 2 weeks has certainly left me at … Continued

What is a Pilates Circuit class?

Written by Elisa Withers, APPI founder, Physiotherapist (hons.) and Pilates instructor. What is it exactly?  A Pilates circuit class is a small group class for up to 5 people who ‘circuit’ through 5 different stations.  Each station is based on a different piece of Pilates equipment, including the reformer, tower … Continued

To The Bone: Strong Bones for Everyone

Written by Ella MacDonald, Physiotherapist and APPI Pilates instructor. May is International Osteoporosis month and we’d like to make sure everyone is taking their strength training to the bone. What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It’s a … Continued

Physio-led Pilates sessions versus regular Pilates sessions

Written by Deniz Birey.  Physiotherapist and APPI mat and reformer teacher. At APPI clinics, we’re quite unique in that we offer both physio-led Pilates as well as your more typical Pilates which has grown enormously popular over recent decades.  In fact, many people are referred specifically to us at APPI … Continued