Personal training
Our Personal Training gives individuals a choice of what type of session and equipment they specifically want to work on within the centre, under the professional guidance of our Rehab Therapists to elevate their lifestyle and wellbeing. These sessions can vary between circuit based activities, reformer pilates or even be used as a massage if having a rest week.
What to expect?
Take your exercise to the next level with our bespoke one to one Personal Training programme in our Rehab Gym. Work with our Rehab Therapists to increase your exercise and activities safely to help achieve your new health and lifestyle goals.
Sessions can be completed individually or if you train better with a gym partner, duet sessions are also available.
What makes our Personal Training different?
Our sessions are conducted by qualified Rehab Therapists who bring an extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology. This helps them plan and structure a training programme incorporating important injury prevention and management strategies suited to you and your medical history. They are also trained in soft tissue treatment techniques, such as massage.
You will be able to enjoy all the positives of a hard, satisfying workout without the risks of sustaining any potential injuries.
Where can I book?
This service is running exclusively from our Wimbledon clinic with our Rehab Therapist Zareena.